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These tools are meant to be used to help with managing a consulting project across team members. All tools are meant to reflect what is used in industry, though not exhaustive. Many thanks to 37 Angels for inspiration from their Lean Tools page

Hayley Duus, Co-President 




These trainings are accessable by clicking on the linked text. They cover areas that the program recommends our consultants be comfortable with before or during the program. There are also a number of resources that the program recommends our consultants use to familiarize themselves with these tools functionality. Finally there are a number of CBS courses that the program recommends our consultants take during their time at Columbia Business School.   

PowerPoint Resources 

Microsoft Office Support & Training


Tableau Resources 

Tableau Support & Training

Research Resources


CB Insights



Watson Library



The below calendar highlights major events in the Small Business Consulting Program calendar including application deadlines, major club meetings/trainings and school breaks. 


Faculty Participants

The Columbia Business School faculty is a major supporter of the club and can serve as advisors to student consultants, should they want to receive class credit for their project (see here). The below faculty members provide leadership training to our engagement managers during the program. 

Professor Angela Lee

Assistant Dean, Columbia Business School

Founder, 37 Angels

Professor Barry Salzberg 

Professor in Business Strategy & Bernstein Faculty Leader, Columbia Business School

Faculty Advisor
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